聖誕節是個快樂美好的節日. 但偏偏就是有那種淚灑全場的聖誕歌曲.

之前曾經貼過一首慘到無語倫比讓每聽一次就哭一次的歌 (請見 歌. 越慘越好聽? 一文). 昨天開車的時候. 某廣播電台全天播著聖誕節歌曲. 就這麼巧. 讓我聽見了最悲慘的聖誕歌. 害我一邊哭一邊開車還要一邊伸手找面紙.

在此. 分享一下最不快樂. 悲情到最高點的聖誕歌曲..... Christmas Shoes (聖誕鞋鞋)
ps. 這首歌去年好像是臭媽有介紹我聽過一次.

Christmas Shoes

It was almost Christmas time                    幾乎是聖誕節了
There I stood in another line                       我正在排隊
Trying to buy that last gift or two            準備買最後的一兩件聖誕禮物
Not really in the Christmas mood             我實在是很沒有聖誕節的心情
Standing right in front of me                      排在我前面的
Was a little boy waiting anxiously            是一個等不及了的小男孩
Pacing around like little boys do                 一直不斷的跺步... 就像一般的小孩一樣
And in his hands he held                              在他的手中拿著的是
A pair of shoes                                                   一雙鞋子

And his clothes were worn and old                 他的衣服又舊又破
He was dirty from head to toe                          並且從頭到腳都髒髒的
And when it came his time to pay                  當輪到他付錢時
I couldn't believe what I heard him say        我無法相信我聽到他所說的話

Sir I wanna buy these shoes for my Momma please       先生我要買這雙鞋鞋給我的媽媽
It's Christmas Eve and these shoes are just her size       今天是聖誕夜. 這雙鞋鞋正是她的呎吋
Could you hurry Sir?                                                               先生你可以快一點嗎?
Daddy says there's not much time                                       爸爸說我們已經沒有太多的時間了
You see, she's been sick for quite a while                             我媽媽她已經病了好久
And I know these shoes will make her smile                      我知道這雙鞋鞋會讓她很開心
And I want her to look beautiful                                            並且我要讓她看起來很漂亮....
If Momma meets Jesus, tonight.                                           .... 若媽媽今晚去見耶穌的話.... (ps. 死掉)

He counted pennies for what seem like years                    他一毛錢一毛錢的算著
And cashier says son there's not enough here                   收銀員告訴他這些錢不夠買鞋鞋
He searched his pockets franticly                                          他在口袋裡翻啊找著
And he turned and he looked at me                                      然後他轉向我
He said Momma made Christmas good at our house       說. 媽媽在聖誕節時總把家裡佈置得很好
Though most years she just did without                             雖說已經很多年沒這麼做了
Tell me Sir                                                                                    先生. 你告訴我
What am I gonna do?                                                                我現在該怎麼辦?
Some how I’ve got to buy her these Christmas shoes      不論如何我需要買這雙聖誕節鞋鞋給她啊!!

So I layed the money down                                             於是我掏出了錢放在收銀台上      
I just had to help him out                                                我一定得幫助這個小男孩
And I'll never forget                                                          並且我無法忘記的是
The look on his face                                                            他臉上的表情....
When he said Momma's gonna look so great.             ... 當他說. 媽媽將會看起來很漂亮的表情

Sir I wanna buy these shoes for my Momma please       先生我要買這雙鞋鞋給我的媽媽
It's Christmas Eve and these shoes are just her size       今天是聖誕夜. 這雙鞋鞋正是她的呎吋
Could you hurry Sir?                                                               先生你可以快一點嗎?
Daddy says there's not much time                                       爸爸說我們已經沒有太多的時間了
You see, she's been sick for quite a while                             我媽媽她已經病了好久
And I know these shoes will make her smile                      我知道這雙鞋鞋會讓她很開心
And I want her to look beautiful                                            並且我要讓她看起來很漂亮....
If Momma meets Jesus, tonight.                                           .... 若媽媽今晚去見耶穌的話....

I knew I caught a glimpse of heavens love                            我知道我看見了上帝的愛...
as he thanked me and ran out.                                                 .... 當他向我道謝跑離開的那一刻
I know that God had sent that little boy to remind me     我知道上帝送那個小男孩來告訴我
What Christmas is all about                                                      聖誕節真正的意義

Sir I wanna buy these shoes for my Momma please       先生我要買這雙鞋鞋給我的媽媽
It's Christmas Eve and these shoes are just her size       今天是聖誕夜. 這雙鞋鞋正是她的呎吋
Could you hurry Sir?                                                               先生你可以快一點嗎?
Daddy says there's not much time                                       爸爸說我們已經沒有太多的時間了
You see, she's been sick for quite a while                             我媽媽她已經病了好久
And I know these shoes will make her smile                      我知道這雙鞋鞋會讓她很開心
And I want her to look beautiful                                            並且我要讓她看起來很漂亮....
If Momma meets Jesus, tonight.                                           .... 若媽媽今晚去見耶穌的話....

I want her to look beautiful                     我要她看起來很漂亮
If Momma meets Jesus tonight              若媽媽今晚去見耶穌的話...


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