
若能寫封信給自己. 你想要寫給幾歲的你? 你會想走到哪一年. 哪一個月. 哪一天. 去鼓勵當時年幼的自己. 或是去劈頭痛罵?

美國新一代的鄉村歌曲帥哥 Brad Paisley 現在在排行榜上的其中一首歌. Letter to Me. 他想要寫信十七歲的自己. 那個年幼無知卻又自以為是大人的年紀. 安慰十七歲失戀的自己. 鼓勵和警惕十七歲的自己.

講到此. 格友們請撥放下面的音樂. 看一下歌詞. 我再繼續前進....


"Letter To Me"

If I could write a letter to me 若能寫封信給我自己
And send it back in time to myself at 17 並寄給十七歲的我
First I'd prove it's me by saying look under your bed 首先要證明我是誰. 我會要你看你的床底下
There's a Skoal can and a Playboy no one else would know you hid 有個沒人知道的Skaol牌菸草盒和Playboy雜誌
And then I'd say I know its tough 然後我會說. 我知道這很艱苦....
When you break up after seven months 當你和前女友分手了七個月
And yeah I know you really liked her and it just don't seem fair 我也知道你真心喜歡她並且這一切都很不公平
All I can say is pain like that is fast and it's rare 我只能說這痛楚是來得又快又少見

[1st Chorus]
And oh you got so much going for you going right 喔~ 你現在有好多事發生
But I know at 17 it's hard to see past Friday night 我也曉得十七歲是個連上週五長什麼樣都不記得的年紀
She wasn't right for you 她不是個適合你的對象
And still you feel like there's a knife sticking out of your back 但你仍感覺背上像是有把刀刺著
And you're wondering if you'll survive 你也懷疑自己是不是還活著
You'll make it through this and you'll see 你會渡過的. 你等著看
You're still around to write this letter to me 你還會活得好好的來寫這封信給自己

At the stop sign at Tomlinson and Eighth 在十字路口的停止行車警告牌下
Always stop completely don't just tap your brakes 記得一定要完全煞車而不是輕輕踩一下而已
And when you get a date with Bridgett make sure the tank is full 當你和Bridgett約會時要確定先把油箱加滿
On second thought forget it that one turns out kinda cool
Each and every time you have a fight 每次和爸爸吵架的時候
Just assume you're wrong and daddy is right 就先想說是自己錯了而爸爸是對的
And you should really thank Mrs. Bringman 並且你應該要謝謝 Bringman 老師
She spend so much extra time 她花了很多時間給你
It's like she sees the diamond underneath 似乎她早看見了暗藏的鑽石
And she's polishing you 'til you shine 她會把你擦得閃亮亮

[2nd Chorus]
And oh you got so much going for you going right 喔~ 你現在有好多事發生
But I know at 17 it's hard to see past Friday night 但我曉得十七歲的你連上週五什麼樣子都不記得
Tonight's the bonfire rally 今晚是大派對的日子
But you're staying home instead because if you fail Algebra 而你乖乖在家因為你若是數學被當
Mom and dad will kill you dead 爸爸媽媽會把你碎屍萬斷
Trust me you'll squeak by and get a C 但相信我. 你會低空飛過
And you're still around to write this letter to me 並且你還會活著寫這封信給自己

You've got so much up ahead 你的未來將會很豐富
You'll make new friends 你會交新的朋友
You should see your kids and wife 你會有太太和孩子們
And I'd end up saying have no fear 我最後會說. 不要怕
These are nowhere near the best years of your life 你所經歷的遠比不過你生活中最棒的年歲

I guess I'll see you in the mirror 我想我會在鏡子裡看到你
When you're a grown man 當你長大成真正的男人的時候
P.S. "go hug Aunt Rita every chance you can" 批ㄟ死: 一抓到機會就多去抱抱你的Rita阿姨

[3rd Chorus]
And oh you got so much going for you going right 喔~ 你現在有好多事發生
But I know at 17 it's hard to see past Friday night 但我曉得十七歲的你連上週五都不記得
I wish you'd study Spanish 我希望你會去學西班牙文
I wish you'd take a typing class 我希望你會去上打字的課
I wish you wouldn't worry, let it be 我希望你不要擔心. 隨緣隨緣
I'd say have a little faith and you'll see 我會說. 給自己點信心. 你之後就知道了

If I could write a letter to me 若我能夠寫封信給自己
To me 給自己
To me 給自己


我想. 會想寫信給過去的自己. 應該是有很多原因. 我猜大部份的我們都會選則寫信給我們最想改變歷史的那一刻. 我們最後悔的那一刻.


小時候不好好念書. 隨波逐流. 考上了私立高中. 念了私立大學的冷門科系. 若我有機會回到過去. 我會去改變它嗎? 或許不會. (好一個死腦袋) 因為我念了私立國中和高中. 我看到和學到不一樣的東西. 我從沒有為了數學英文課而放棄過音樂和美術課. 我沒有為了考試而少上過一堂體育課. 我沒看過流氓學生. 我沒看過人打架. 大學念的科系雖然冷門. 但是它硬狠狠的在我這個超級都市小姐的小腦袋裡打入了自然界的美. 讓我在十幾二十歲的時候第一次正眼看過山水花草. 了解生命和自然界的奧妙. 也讓之後的我想為大家製造美麗的生活環境. 所以說我有想回頭逼自己好好念書當醫生嗎? 完全沒有.

希望和這首歌一樣回去安慰失戀的自己嗎? 噗~ 沒必要. 我的失戀都是來得快去得更快. 哭兩下鬱悶三下. 一兩週後又是一條龍.

希望告訴國高中的我. 少和爸爸吵幾句嗎? 啊... 這太難了. 國高中時的我就算看到信大概也會把信丟到垃圾桶.

晚上一邊看 Law and Order 一邊想. 我這三十年來最後悔的是什麼? 像我這麼死嘴硬的人. 最想回去改變的是什麼?

晚上十二點半. 我在一串的名單裡選中了一個. 我會寫信給當時還在 Denver 念書的我. 告訴自己作業可以補交. 期末考可以補考. 但在最愛我的爺爺去逝之後. 早點回台灣參加喪禮. 不要讓他在冷冰冰的冰櫃裡等我一個多月......


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