
一首去年夏天的歌曲. 到現在還是強強滾. 越熱. 廣播電台播得越勤. 姑娘預測. 這首鄉村搖滾歌曲將會是未來的 "經典歌曲". 也就是不管過了十年二十年照樣人所皆知.

鄉村歌曲的歌手們. 有年輕的帥哥美女. 有帶著牛仔帽操著美國南方口音的北北. 也有搖滾怪胎. Kid Rock 這首歌紅透半邊天有兩個原因. 一是它真的很夏天. 聽了讓人會在炎熱的太陽下拿起一瓶啤酒跟著唱著跳著. 另一個原因是.... 這首歌的背景和基本音完全是那首 Sweet Home Alabama 的曲調!!!

我們先聽 Kid Rock 的鄉村搖滾 - All Summer Long. 夏天就算熱. 也要熱得快樂!

All Summer Long 歌詞

It was 1989, my thoughts were short my hair was long      1989 年. 我的頭腦想得不遠但頭髮很長
Caught somewhere between a boy and man                        正介於男孩與男人之間的年紀
She was seventeen and she was far from in-between           她當年十七歲但早已脫離清澀年紀
It was summertime in Northern Michigan                          那年. 在密西根州北部的夏天
Ahh Ahh Ahh                                                                           啊~ 啊~ 啊~
Ahh Ahh Ahh                                                                           啊~ 啊~ 啊~

Splashing through the sand bar                                             在沙灘上漫步
Talking by the campfire                                                          在營火旁聊天
It's the simple things in life, like when and where                生命中的一切都非常簡單清純
We didn't have no internet                                                      那時我們沒有網路
But man I never will forget                                                    但是我永遠不會忘記
The way the moonlight shined upon her hair                        月光映在她頭髮上的模樣

And we were trying different things                                              我們嘗試各種新鮮事
We were smoking funny things                                                     我們抽著不知道是什麼的煙  (姑娘說: 大麻啦)
Making love out by the lake to our favorite song                          伴著我們最愛的歌. 在湖邊作愛
Sipping whiskey out the bottle, not thinking 'bout tomorrow       口對著酒瓶喝威士忌. 完全不去想未來
Singing Sweet home Alabama all summer long                            整個夏天唱著那首 "Sweet Home Alabama"
Singing Sweet home Alabama all summer long                            整個夏天唱著那首 "Sweet Home Alabama"

Catching Walleye from the dock                                 在碼頭上釣魚
Watching the waves roll off the rocks                         看海浪打上礁石
She'll forever hold a spot inside my soul                      她將永遠在我的靈魂中佔有一席之位
We'd blister in the sun                                                   我們沐浴在陽光下
We couldn't wait for night to come                              等不及夜晚的來臨
To hit that sand and play some rock and roll               再回到沙灘上彈唱搖滾樂

And we were trying different things                                              我們嘗試各種新鮮事
We were smoking funny things                                                     我們抽著不知道是什麼的煙  (姑娘說: 大麻啦)
Making love out by the lake to our favorite song                          伴著我們最愛的歌. 在湖邊作愛
Sipping whiskey out the bottle, not thinking 'bout tomorrow       口對著酒瓶喝威士忌. 完全不去想未來
Singing Sweet home Alabama all summer long                            整個夏天唱著那首 "Sweet Home Alabama"
Singing Sweet home Alabama all summer long                            整個夏天唱著那首 "Sweet Home Alabama"

Now nothing seems as strange as when the leaves began to change     現在沒有什麼事比秋葉變色更特別
Or how we thought those days would never end                        我們還曾經認為那段日子永遠不會結束
Sometimes I'll hear that song and I'll start to sing along            有時聽到那首歌. 我會獨自唱起來
And think man I'd love to see that girl again                               然後想. 我真希望能再見到那個女孩子一面

[Repeat Chorus x2]                                                                       (重覆副歌兩次)

Singing Sweet Home Alabama all summer long      整個夏天唱著那首 "Sweet Home Alabama"
Singing Sweet Home Alabama all summer long      整個夏天唱著那首 "Sweet Home Alabama"
Singing Sweet Home Alabama all summer long      整個夏天唱著那首 "Sweet Home Alabama"
Singing Sweet Home Alabama all summer long      整個夏天唱著那首 "Sweet Home Alabama"

想要聽聽看 "永遠不退流行" 的老鄉村搖滾   "Sweet Home Alabama" 嗎? 也就是上面歌詞裡提到的那首歌. 聽聽看. 比較一下這兩首歌.

正港的啦~~這影片一看就知道年代. 演唱會裡全是嘻皮~ 哈哈哈哈.

    創作者 姑娘 的頭像

    流浪美國 Drifting in the States

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