
前晚去了 Nickelback 的演唱會. 只能說... 真的非常棒!

Nickelback 是從加拿大開始. 一群老朋友1996年離開老家移往溫哥華. 終於到了 2001 年打開了市場. 站上美國及加拿大排行榜第一名. 他們自己作曲自己唱. 並且製做了之前電影 Spiderman 蜘蛛人的電影歌曲.

為什麼叫 Nickelback 呢? Nickel 是五分錢銅板的意思. 以前這個團的貝司/吉他手在 Starbucks 工作時. 最常對客人說的話是 "Here's your nickel back" (這是找你的五分錢).

進場前公子和姑娘已經在外頭喝酒喝了好一會兒. 天氣真好. 人好多. 女生一大堆!! 吼... 並且有的穿很性感有的很搖滾.

扯的是. 在舞台邊的女生哪... 居然拿了好多寫著色情字樣的牌子要吸引注意. 什麼 choke me, band me over. I'll cum for you 的鬼東西. 看得我笑到不行. 這年頭年輕女生可真瘋狂. 主唱也看到了. 還指著說她們根本就只是高中生. 問爸爸媽媽到底在哪裡. 所以說. 在看這篇的爸媽們. 當孩子到高中年紀. 請小心. 或睜一隻眼閉一隻眼...

下面這首 This Is How You Remind Me讓他們第一次站上美國音樂排行榜的第一名的歌. 是在講自己以前酗酒. 女朋友總是說 Are you having fun yet? 你玩夠了嗎? 現在回想起來. 就像一個提醒. 告訴自己以前是個怎樣的人....

Nickelback - This Is How You Remind Me

之後. 他們越來越紅. 越來越多首歌站上排行榜. 下面這首是我最喜歡的. 叫做 Photograph. 在舞台上. 他們背後有個好大的螢幕. 一邊唱這首歌一邊放好多他們以前的照片. 從自己出生到自己的孩子出生. 還有一起喝酒刺青鬼混的年輕照片. 就和我們一樣. 看著過去的舊照片. 喚起種種回憶.

Photograph - Nickelback


Look at this photograph                                                   看著這張照片
Everytime I do it makes me laugh                               每次看都讓我發笑
How did our eyes get so red                                             我們是怎麼把眼睛搞得這麼紅 (批:肯定喝太多)
And what the hell is on Joey's head                              還有 Joey 的頭上那是什麼鬼東西

And this is where I grew up                                            這是我長大的地方
I think the present owner fixed it up                            我想現在的屋主把它整修過
I never knew we'd ever went without                          我從不知日子會怎樣
The second floor is hard for sneaking out                    若二樓的地板很難讓我們偷溜出門 (批: 那以前是鑽洞?)

And this is where I went to school                                 這是我以前去念書的學校
Most of the time had better things to do                      不過大多時候都有比上學更有意思的事做
Criminal record says I broke in twice                          犯罪紀錄上說我闖了兩次空門進學校
I must have done it half a dozen times                         不過我肯定有溜進去好多次

I wonder if it's too late                                                       我在想現在會不會太晚
Should i go back and try to graduate                           我該不該回學校念完書畢業
Life's better now than it was back then                       現在的生活比當時還要好
If I was them I wouldn't let me in                                   如果我是校方. 我就不會讓我回去念書

Oh, oh, oh                                                                              喔喔喔
Oh, god, I                                                                                喔老天

Every memory of looking out the back door                            每一個心底的回憶
I had the photo album spread out on my bedroom floor        像是我撒滿房間的舊照片
It's hard to say it, time to say it                                                    很難開口. 但已是時候說再見
Goodbye, goodbye.
Every memory of walking out the front door                          但每一次想說再見
I found the photo of the friend that I was looking for             總會找到那一直找不到的老朋友的照片
It's hard to say it, time to say it                                                    很難開口. 但已是時候說再見
Goodbye, goodbye.

Remember the old arcade                                                 記得以前那種老式的電動玩具間嗎?
Blew every dollar that we ever made                           我們總是花掉我們賺來的每一分錢
The cops hated us hangin' out                                         警察很討厭我們總在那裡出現
They say somebody went and burned it down           聽說. 後來有人放火燒了它

We used to listen to the radio                                           我們以前常聽著廣播
And sing along with every song we know                    跟著唱每一首我們會唱個歌
We said someday we'd find out how it feels                  我們說總有一天我們想要感受看看
To sing to more than just the steering wheel              唱歌給方向盤以外的人聽 (批: 當時邊開車邊唱而已)

Kim's the first girl I kissed                                                我第一次親過的女生是 Kim
I was so nervous that I nearly missed                           當時真緊張. 差點沒親準
She's had a couple of kids since then                              至今. 她已經有幾個孩子了
I haven't seen her since god knows when                     只有老天知道上回我們見面是什麼時候

Oh, oh, oh                                                                              
Oh, god, I                                                                               

Every memory of looking out the back door                            每一個心底的回意
I had the photo album spread out on my bedroom floor        就像我撒滿房間的舊照片
It's hard to say it, time to say it                                                    很難開口. 但已是時候說再見
Goodbye, goodbye.                       
Every memory of walking out the front door                          但每一次想說再見
I found the photo of the friend that I was looking for             總會找到那一直找不到的老朋友的照片
It's hard to say it, time to say it                                                   很難開口. 但已是時候說再見
Goodbye, goodbye.

I miss that town                                     我懷念那個城鎮
I miss the faces                                       我懷念那些人
You can't erase                                       你無法抹去
You can't replace it                                也無法代替
I miss it now                                            我現在很懷念過去
I can't believe it                                      真是無法相信
So hard to stay                                        很難留住所謂
Too hard to leave it                               卻又很難放手

If I could I relive those days                                              如果我放下過去
I know the one thing that would never change         我知道有一件事一定是無法改變....

Every memory of looking out the back door                           就是每一個心底的回憶
I had the photo album spread out on my bedroom floor      像是我撒滿房間的舊照片
It's hard to say it, time to say it                                                  很難開口. 但已是時候說再見
Goodbye, goodbye.
Every memory of walking out the front door                        但每一次想說再見
I found the photo of the friend that I was looking for            總會又找到那一直找不到的老朋友的照片
It's hard to say it, time to say it                                                 很難開口. 但已是時候說再見
Goodbye, goodbye.

Look at this photograph                                    看著這張照片
Everytime I do it makes me laugh                每次看都讓我發笑
Everytime I do it makes me...                        每次看都讓我.............

第三首要介紹的是一個很有意思的歌. 叫做 RockStar.... 我要當一個搖滾巨星啦~ 歌詞有點嘲笑他們的生活和他們花錢的方式... 這的影片裡有很多有名的人喔~ 看你們猜得出幾個.

Nickelback - "Rockstar" Video


I'm through with standing in line                     我受夠了排這個隊
To clubs we'll never get in                                    只為了要進去我根本進不去的夜店
It's like the bottom of the ninth                           就像到了九局下半
And I'm never gonna win                                     根本不可能贏
This life hasn't turned out                                    我的人生並沒有變成
Quite the way I want it to be                              我想要的樣子

(Tell me what you want)                                      (告訴我你想要的是什麼)

I want a brand new house                                        我想要一個新的房子
On an episode of Cribs                                                像電視節目 Cribs 裡的那種 (大房子)
And a bathroom I can play baseball in                還要一個大到可以打棒球的浴室
And a king size tub big enough                               以及一個超大的浴缸
For ten plus me                                                            大到可以塞入十個人再加上我

(So what you need?)                                                  (那你到底需要什麼?)

I'll need a credit card that's got no limit               我需要一個沒有額度的信用卡
And a big black jet with a bedroom in it              一個有臥房的黑色大噴射機
Gonna join the mile high club                                想加入所謂的 Mile High Club (就是在空中跟空姊做愛)
At thirty-seven thousand feet                                在三萬七千英哩的高空中

(Been there, done that)                                             (都做過了...)

I want a new tour bus full of old guitars              我要一個新的巡迴巴士. 裡面放滿舊吉他
My own star on Hollywood Boulevard                 在好萊塢大道上有我自己的大星星
Somewhere between Cher and                               大概就在... 雪兒(歌星)和詹姆士迪恩中間就好
James Dean is fine for me

(So how you gonna do it?)                                        (那你要怎麼做?)

I'm gonna trade this life for fortune and fame           我要把我的命拿來換財富與名位
I'd even cut my hair and change my name               我甚至要剪頭髮和改名字

[Chorus:]                                                                              (副歌)
'Cause we all just wanna be big rockstars                       因為我們都只想變成超級搖滾巨星
And live in hilltop houses driving fifteen cars              住在山頂的房子開著十五台車子
The girls come easy and the drugs come cheap            女人得來容易. 連毒品都比較便宜
We'll all stay skinny 'cause we just won't eat                我們會保持得瘦瘦的. 因為我們不吃東西
And we'll hang out in the coolest bars                             我們會出入最酷的酒吧
In the VIP with the movie stars                                         和電影名星一起待在 VIP 室
Every good gold digger's                                                      每一個想撈金的人
Gonna wind up there                                                            都會聚在這裡
Every Playboy bunny                                                          每個Playboy的兔女郎
With her bleach blond hair                                                 染著金髮... 都會在這兒

Hey hey I wanna be a rockstar                                          嘿~嘿~ 我要當個搖滾巨星!
Hey hey I wanna be a rockstar                                          嘿~嘿~ 我要當個搖滾巨星!

I wanna be great like Elvis without the tassels                 我要像貓王一樣棒但不要身穿流蘇
Hire eight body guards that love to beat up assholes      請八個喜歡打走爛人的保鑣
Sign a couple autographs                                                         簽簽名
So I can eat my meals for free                                                 然後得到一頓免費大餐
(I'll have the quesadilla on the house)                                 (我要墨西哥烤餅啊~~)
I'm gonna dress my ass                                                             我要穿上
With the latest fashion                                                              最新潮的褲子
Get a front door key to the Playboy mansion                     擁有 Playboy 豪宅的大門鑰匙
Gonna date a centerfold that loves to                                   要和最紅的 Playboy 女郎約會
Blow my money for me                                                            幫我花錢!
(So how you gonna do it?)                                                       (那你要怎麼做到?)
I'm gonna trade this life for fortune and fame                  我要用我的命拿來換財富和名位
I'd even cut my hair and change my name                       我甚至會剪頭髮和改名字


And we'll hide out in the private rooms                                  我們會待在私人的房間裡
With the latest dictionary and today's who's who                擁有最新的名人錄
They'll get you anything with that evil smile                      他們會帶著邪惡的笑容給你所有你想要的
Everybody's got a drug dealer on speed dial, well                每個人都有毒販的電話在手機快速鍵中
Hey hey I wanna be a rockstar                                                  嘿~ 嘿~ 我要當一個搖滾巨星!

I'm gonna sing those songs                                                          我要唱那些
That offend the censors                                                                會讓衛道人士不爽的歌
Gonna pop my pills from a pez dispenser                                我要喀那些偷裝在口香糖罐裡的毒品

I'll get washed-up singers writing all my songs                    我要找過氣的歌手幫我寫歌
lip sync 'em every night so I don't get 'em wrong                 每晚對嘴練免得我唱錯


And we'll hide out in the private rooms                                   然後我們會待在私人房間裡
With the latest dictionary and today's who's who                擁有最新的名人錄
They'll get you anything with that evil smile                      他們會帶著邪惡的笑容給你所有你想要的
Everybody's got a drug dealer on speed dial                           並且每個人都有毒販的電話在手機快速鍵中

Hey hey I wanna be a rockstar                                                   嘿~ 嘿~ 我要當搖滾巨星
Hey hey I wanna be a rockstar                                                   嘿~ 嘿~ 我要當搖滾巨星

接下來放幾首歌. 若有興趣可以點進去聽聽


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